The Right Words

by Lextre



Find the Right Words from the classical poetry to match your photos!

Find the Right Words from the classical poetry to match your photos!Our magical neural network detects all the objects on your picture and searches for the right poetry quotes from the world’s poetical heritage to combine them together with an elegant visual style. Thats how the Right Words is working.- Find the right poetry quotes for your pictures- Customize style, position and font for your Right Words- Thousands of quotes for every occasion- Absolutely free. No hidden fees - Share your pictures quickly and easily. Spread the Right WordsFixed connection problems

Read trusted reviews from application customers

No way to use. 'Check date and time, no secured connection to server, cannot, blah blah'. Irritates kinda very much.

Iryna Kostiukova

Попробовала три фотографии, попробовала оба языка, но пока по делу ничего не находит. Иногда даже немного оскорбительно :)

Marina Evans

Отличная идея и воплощение!

Evgeny Kozlov

Interesting idea


Где великий и могучий русский язык?

Stanislav Chepurnoy

А что русского языка нет?

Maksim Posnef


Vladimir Drabu

Interesting and free! Has no analogues in the store

Наталия Максимова